Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

It's been a long weekend and I totally wussed and ran INdoors on Saturday morning. It was a lovely long run but I missed running with Karen and cheering each other on. It was warmer than 10 degrees in my gym though, so that's a plus.

It is a slightly nice feeling to be on my treadmill when someone gets on the one next to me... and still on when he's gone and the next person shows up, and then still going when she's gone... I wish I could read and run at the same time. Or watch TED talks, but my iPod video has gone the way of the NYC sticky-hands club. Shuffling through my anonymous library isn't bad, it's just a different kind of fun.

Our team has been having weekly bake sales at the office (thousands of dollars to go, one awesome cookie at a time...) so I spent a large portion of time making granola bars and popcorn balls. There's GOT to be an easier way. But I didn't sign up for easy. I signed up for kick-ass. So there we go.

Speaking of kick-ass, another round of Shout Outs (there should be a musical theme for this, no?):

Jack Benedict. Thanks for donating!

Also, more music library contribs- Dante Desole, Andy LaPlant & Ryan Hobler endowed me with James Brown, Sleater Kinney & Sunroom and more).

More later,

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