Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today: Workout & SHOUT-OUTS

About a workout, is it wrong to say “not so good” after logging ten miles? Only when you’re training for a marathon.

(Last week I wussed out because it was around 3 degrees so I felt justified… and humbled by my teammates who DID run outdoors anyway!)

This week my favorite running partner, Karen, and I did indoor running to see if the temperature went a little easier on Karen’s asthma, which it did, which is great. Alas a marathon on a treadmill is NOT a marathon on the street, so it can’t be the only training, but it’s nice to go easy on the knees sometimes. Also, Karen’s a great cheerleader so running with her is a treat. Who wouldn’t want their own personal “you’re awesome” running next to them? I try to return the favor as often as possible.

Anyway, this week was a run, but since I didn’t make all ten miles running I feel badly, or behind. I am a tortoise not a hare it seems. I’m also going to figure out how to manage my calories better because I hate eating before exercising but the more we exercise the more we need to eat, just a little before at least. Karen’s Luna Bars to the rescue!

Drum roll please… it’s time for this week’s Shout-Outs!

Here’s how cool people are:

Mom & Pop are loaning me their iPod nano with the video so I can watch TED talks on treadmill days (when I’m not doing it in person woo-hoo!) Who says hours on a treadmill are boring? (Pretty much everyone, actually, but to them I say ‘la la la I can’t hear you la la la I have headphones on’.)

Christine Hart wins the prize for biggest donation (as of yet) because she’s… Christine. I’ve known her since we were *this* big and if you did too, you wouldn’t be surprised that she’s generous either. Just thankful, like me. Also, she's uber talented.

Sarah Howell donated even though I haven’t seen her in a month of Sundays and that’s a sweet way to stay in touch (though I wouldn’t mind buying you a beer when you come up to the city next)!

It’s funny as I was walking home from my practice-then-errands how much there is to be thankful for and how everyone around you gives you a little push when you need it. And, no, I’m not talking about boarding the 6 train. I don’t know where my shout-outs begin and end. There are my fiscal supporters. (Keep it coming guys! We’re fighting cancer!) My emotional supporters (I *heart* the rah-rahs).

And then there are the people who make my life easier and in so, remind me that I have a life good enough to pay-it-forward. There are the people who go a little out of their way to help me when I’m tired. (Sample checklist: strange woman on the street helped me find a cab just to be nice; hairdresser who let me sleep in her chair this morning after I zonked out post-run today; Matt at the video store who cut me a break because ‘I likes the cold and you like to run so we’ve got to be nice to each other.’)

Summary for a Saturday that isn’t nearly over yet: happy, tired, encouraged. That’s a good way to start a weekend.


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