Monday, January 26, 2009

Shout-Outs in a neighborly way

A long time ago, in a town far away, I lived on the corner of a busy street and a tiny one. On the tiny one there were just a few houses, but in one of them was Dawn Radke.

We live a thousand+ miles apart now-- she's down in Florida, and she just made that big seem like not a distance at all. She's very neighbor-like.

She donated to the marathon fund AND got her boss at MacLan Corp to donate too. Hot damn, that was a lovely envelope to come home to in the mail. Plus the note said "Kick some cancer ass" which has a nice ring to it. I'm putting the checks in the LLS fundraiser bucket and the note on the fridge.

Rock on,

Shout-Outs (there's always more to be thankful for...)

This morning I woke up to an email saying I got a donation from Kerri & Brad West. They're amazing because not only did they donate, thus furthering the cause of fighting Leukemia/Lymphoma, but because they've already given... in the form of supporting their (successful!) cancer-defeating daughter-in-law, Steph West. You may remember that Steph is the person who I am honoring with my run. She's amazing and blows me away with her strength. She wasn't born a West but she makes a great one: you are a strong and good-hearted people. Thank you!

Also, another thank you and for this I say, "duh, Chel, how could you have forgotten to mention before?" Todd Scheifele, for the music. He helped with my running-music-library after that Unfortunate iTune and iPod Issue We Don't Like To Talk About. But the thing is with Todd is that he's just one of those people who's always there for you. I can always count on him for a little emotional support and I hope I can be as good a friend to him. Thanks, Todd. Your music is just one of many ways your support here is appreciated.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today: Workout & SHOUT-OUTS

About a workout, is it wrong to say “not so good” after logging ten miles? Only when you’re training for a marathon.

(Last week I wussed out because it was around 3 degrees so I felt justified… and humbled by my teammates who DID run outdoors anyway!)

This week my favorite running partner, Karen, and I did indoor running to see if the temperature went a little easier on Karen’s asthma, which it did, which is great. Alas a marathon on a treadmill is NOT a marathon on the street, so it can’t be the only training, but it’s nice to go easy on the knees sometimes. Also, Karen’s a great cheerleader so running with her is a treat. Who wouldn’t want their own personal “you’re awesome” running next to them? I try to return the favor as often as possible.

Anyway, this week was a run, but since I didn’t make all ten miles running I feel badly, or behind. I am a tortoise not a hare it seems. I’m also going to figure out how to manage my calories better because I hate eating before exercising but the more we exercise the more we need to eat, just a little before at least. Karen’s Luna Bars to the rescue!

Drum roll please… it’s time for this week’s Shout-Outs!

Here’s how cool people are:

Mom & Pop are loaning me their iPod nano with the video so I can watch TED talks on treadmill days (when I’m not doing it in person woo-hoo!) Who says hours on a treadmill are boring? (Pretty much everyone, actually, but to them I say ‘la la la I can’t hear you la la la I have headphones on’.)

Christine Hart wins the prize for biggest donation (as of yet) because she’s… Christine. I’ve known her since we were *this* big and if you did too, you wouldn’t be surprised that she’s generous either. Just thankful, like me. Also, she's uber talented.

Sarah Howell donated even though I haven’t seen her in a month of Sundays and that’s a sweet way to stay in touch (though I wouldn’t mind buying you a beer when you come up to the city next)!

It’s funny as I was walking home from my practice-then-errands how much there is to be thankful for and how everyone around you gives you a little push when you need it. And, no, I’m not talking about boarding the 6 train. I don’t know where my shout-outs begin and end. There are my fiscal supporters. (Keep it coming guys! We’re fighting cancer!) My emotional supporters (I *heart* the rah-rahs).

And then there are the people who make my life easier and in so, remind me that I have a life good enough to pay-it-forward. There are the people who go a little out of their way to help me when I’m tired. (Sample checklist: strange woman on the street helped me find a cab just to be nice; hairdresser who let me sleep in her chair this morning after I zonked out post-run today; Matt at the video store who cut me a break because ‘I likes the cold and you like to run so we’ve got to be nice to each other.’)

Summary for a Saturday that isn’t nearly over yet: happy, tired, encouraged. That’s a good way to start a weekend.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

It's been a long weekend and I totally wussed and ran INdoors on Saturday morning. It was a lovely long run but I missed running with Karen and cheering each other on. It was warmer than 10 degrees in my gym though, so that's a plus.

It is a slightly nice feeling to be on my treadmill when someone gets on the one next to me... and still on when he's gone and the next person shows up, and then still going when she's gone... I wish I could read and run at the same time. Or watch TED talks, but my iPod video has gone the way of the NYC sticky-hands club. Shuffling through my anonymous library isn't bad, it's just a different kind of fun.

Our team has been having weekly bake sales at the office (thousands of dollars to go, one awesome cookie at a time...) so I spent a large portion of time making granola bars and popcorn balls. There's GOT to be an easier way. But I didn't sign up for easy. I signed up for kick-ass. So there we go.

Speaking of kick-ass, another round of Shout Outs (there should be a musical theme for this, no?):

Jack Benedict. Thanks for donating!

Also, more music library contribs- Dante Desole, Andy LaPlant & Ryan Hobler endowed me with James Brown, Sleater Kinney & Sunroom and more).

More later,

Friday, January 16, 2009

Shout-outs (even more!)

You know what's cool? Randomly finding out that people are making donations to the cause. Thanks to my cousin Kath, my sister Cricket (I mean, Barbara)...

For contributions in other ways... I have to thank Don McNally for juicing my iPod shuffle with some Beatles because things were really hard after The Incident Involving A Dead External Drive Containing My Music Library That We Don't Like To Talk About. If you ever don't feel like going for a run turn on Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me and My Monkey. It will change you.

We've been doing these crazy bake carts at the office. People who aren't even involved in the process are volunteering to bake! To my talented co-workers: Coleen, Patrician, Mary, Caroline, Jessica, your work doesn't go unappreciated- you are wonderful and we thank you!


I have a strange habit of coming home and wanting to fall back asleep after the early Saturday jaunts in the park. Is it the mileage? Or the temperature? Because tomorrow it's supposed to be ten degrees when I leave my apartment in the morning. Should I wuss out and run in the gym or get all giddy from the shared insanity of runners in Central Park? I shall ponder now. I will let you know how much of a wuss I am soon...

-chel "didn't live in maine once?" "yeah, but you left" o'reilly

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Shout-Outs, Part Deux

It's time for some friendly neighborly shout-outs:

My cousin Mary (who is cheerful and encouraging)
My Aunt Barb & Uncle Mark (merry christmas!)
My friend Christi (who is an amazing teammate)

Thank you all for bringing me closer to my goal-- especially since my goal is bigger than what I'm doing, it's what we're doing, all of us, for the individuals who fight leukemia/lymphoma and their families/friends who struggle with them. We can all rise to our challenges.

Rock on,

Back Online!

WHEW! That password issue is taken care of! I love google, but being automatically signed in is supposed to be a good thing, but in my case for this blog... not so much. So. Word on the street: training is going well. I'm not awesome as I was five years ago, but then I'm no so young anymore. I heard that turning 30 makes things a little hard, but I wouldn't believe it until
happened. No I'm a believer....

Going for a run with Karen today. She's my good luck charm. We try to alternate being tired so that we can alternate being the one to say "come on you can do it!" Another one of my teammates, Dominick, says things like "just remember it's 90% mental and 30% physical"! I like my teammates a lot.

And it's another Saturday morning. Current temp: 27F, "feels like 19" It's amazing how much a run warms you up though. It's not so bad, really. Plus, I don't get my coffee until after my run, so that's a goal to run towards if ever there were one.

Rock on,