Thursday, February 26, 2009

Housecleaning to Fight Cancer

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am announcing another phase of my fundraising for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society so I can run this marathon!

In addition to being fast on my feet I've also got cleaning skills... like you wish you had but kinda don't want to develop because let's face it... cleaning is always more fun when it's done by another person. And I am an EXCELLENT other person.

Have you ever seen the look of love on your husband/wife’s face (or roommate or best friend) when you surprise them with the gift of “no you don’t have to do that hard work”? Have you ever treated yourself to help cleaning/organizing your home? Or just really needed to?

Best of all, have you ever had the pleasure of writing off your spring cleaning service as a tax-deductible donation? Would ya like to?

I’m desperate to make my fundraising deadline AND I possess killer elbow grease/ home organizational skills. I’m setting dates already for Saturdays & Sundays in the very near future.

I come with references. See below.

Call me, email me or talk to me in person: 602-432-8611 or we can work out dates/costs/job parameters.

Thank you!


"Upon move-in, my shower looked like it had never been cleaned. Chel scrubbed out every speck of black, hard water or various other colored stains, leaving us with a shower that looked brand new. I was impressed and a little fearful." –C. H.

“Chel has cleaned circles around me. Truly.
She has created space where I thought there was none.
The range of her organizing hand in my life went from how to store contact lenses to shoes in the closet to the best way to fold towels.
I had no idea my bookcases looked bad... until they didn't anymore.
Chel is a whip smart, design conscious, pragmatic whirling dervish.
She's fast. Thorough.
She is the person you want to hire to get it together.
And she's offering her services to a special group of the public (she usually only does this for friends!) to raise money for cancer research!
Anything you pay her will go to charity. So you can even make it a tax deduction. How about that for a win/win/win situation?!

Hire Chel!
She'll make your life swell!"

Jennifer Prediger
Chel's Friend, Fan and Beneficiary of Chel's Overwhelmingly Wonderful Organizing/Cleaning Services

Shout-out to Marxie!

Another Shout-out goes to the fabulous conglomerate Marxie! Seriously, the two of you are amazing. You should get married or something.


Progress & Anonymous. And Shout-Outs!

So my toe ain't broke. I can keep my record of "never broke a bone in my body" which either means I'm tough as nails or I don't really do anything interesting like snowboard.

But like the nurse said, the pinky toe is one thing but all the other bones/ tendons/ ligaments & muscles in the foot are pretty related. A pinky toe injury means that somehow the top of my whole foot gets bruised when I run on it. BUT it bruises less every time I work out now. Don't worry I've found a way to get some serious, low-impact cardio in as I re-build my foot's running capacity.

So running is picking up again now. It's crazy how quickly the body can fall apart and rebuild. It wasn't long ago I could run 14 miles and shortly thereafter I couldn't (well, did, but it turned out to be a Very Bad Idea) walk that distance. And this morning I felt like a rock star the gym. I felt GOOD when I was done. I feel capable!

But actually most importantly: shout-outs. Thank you to both of my Anonymous donors. If there were more people like you, I'd be less inclined to panic. You are amazing and you know who you are.

much love,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

awwww who's a little baby now? who's a little baby?

my toe is a little baby. it's cute and tiny and... maybe broken. i can't get an x-ray til i'm back from california, so we'll see. in the mean time i'm trying to work with it, test what i can and can't do. i've never broken a bone in my body so i'm either unbreakable or experiencing something new. i hope to god i can still participate in the marathon, because i'm still raising funds and still planning on running again very soon. rumor has it i will have an ugly toe from now on though. as if they were all pretty before. bleh.

another shout-out!

it's amazing what hanging out late at TED can do. thanks to mike lundgren! you rock, i run! that's a good match!

Monday, February 9, 2009


shout out to allison duncan-- who is sweet, has the same color green eyes as my little bro (her beau) and donated even though she's a broke college student. what a superstar!


progress & shout-outs!


In San Diego now at the hosting of the ever-supportive Kate, where I will be able to run (& skip & play & hike aka "cross-train") as soon at the thrice-annual rain stops. Seriously, it never rains in southern California... except for now. What gives?

It didn't rain, however, in Palm Springs. I'm not a desert person *at all*, but the fact it's February didn't hurt and the company I've had this past week has inspired me in so many ways. I needed to run a lot of miles, but I also had people to run with, so I'd generally pre-run then return to the hotel and meet friends to run again. Friends & fellow TEDsters to run with included the afore mentioned Dan, Leigh & Jennifer but also grew to include the absolute sweetheart and thoroughly talented author Evan Schwartz who is great company in so many ways. AND he get a shout-out for donating to Our Cause. One other shout-out goes to Eduardo Frias (another TEDster) who jumped at the chance to pitch-in and cheer me on in this aspiration.

Again with the optimists of fellow TEDsters from Palm Springs I have a few more partners to propel forward on the journey: Glenn Gleason (survivor extraordinaire) who loaned me his Live Strong band without blinking- the one he's worn through his trials and tribulations- so that I may have some of his strength when I run) and Lisa Honig Buksbaum of Soaringwords who is partnering with us to give signed blankets to kids with cancer so that we may say: "we are working to make your life better, that it will be complete and want to wrap you in all the love, happiness and joy of support we can give."

So much to do, so much to do. Feel free to help me in any way you can, especially fundraising ;) Deadlines loom, fiscal challenges are getting dire for me to participate. The chart doesn't show it, but I'm fronting college tuition money as a "hold" until I get somewhere fast!

chel o.

Monday, February 2, 2009

making the jet lag work for you!

hey waking up early is a side effect of flying west! i ran twice this morning! once at the treadmill here at the hotel (they call it a resort but i have trouble saying that... it sounds uppity. but it IS a little uppity)-- then once more with my friends here at TED. so my shout outs this morning go to:

jennifer &

thanks for tacking on some mileage.

i didn't like running in the desert when i lived in arizona, but it's not so bad in palm springs in february. i'm counting this business trip as a blessing too, so thanks grey. i'm blogging from all week...

strange, that

ok, today's run wasn't a long-form (that's tomorrow), it was a quick one-off, a half hour. i didn't feel too good. apparently jet-lag has some side effects. also, if christine will kindly not have another surprise 30th birthday party the night before a business trip, that would be great of you.

tomorrow, we rock.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

future perfect

hey y'all, time for another update.  didn't get to run my long distance on saturday because i was prepping for my day of travel (flight to palm springs with brief layover in san fran... AND i'm checking luggage for what i think is the first time ever... please oh please arrive with me...) and the obligatory Freak Out that i'm going to TED@PalmSprings.  i'll be blogging from there too, you will not get to hear about me getting out-of-breath and kicking butt on the treadmill at that blog, but it will still be a fun read, i hope.  

and now (drumroll please) it's time again for shout-outs.  ok, get this.  john cooper, my music prof from college in maine, sent in a donation while on sabbatical.  of all the things one is not obliged to do while away from school is think about students he had a dozen years ago and support their endeavors.  he kinda supported me a lot already, ya know?  awesome then, awesome now.

next: clare anderson i used to babysit you!  you're so grown up now- so very grown up (it was very cool to hang out with you in nyc when you visited and we went to see the Cangelosi Cards play their jazz music...). so very grown up i felt a tad old that plus x years since i 'sat for you means that you and i both are plus x years older.  thank you for your contrib.  that's very cool of you.

lastly and largely, john anderson, for sending my blagging email to the college of the atlantic community.  that had some results, didn't it?  it was unnecessarily great of you to send it forward...

also, a thank you to cora rose lewicki for taking care of my apt while i travel.  and for promising to help a little with the fundraising.  we rock stars gotta stick together...

one two three and off i go to train from the desert for a little while.

as ever, thank you for helping so much i can't even thank you all enough.
