Sunday, March 8, 2009


what can i say, it's spring time in new york? we all skipped an hour of sleep last night, i woke up in the mood for cleaning (my kitchen shines) and the wicked snow storm we had last weekend has sublimated into nothingness. it's in the 60's already. the kids across the street are playing basketball in shorts and tee shirts.

i tested out my awesome left foot this morning. and all my careful taking of calcium magnesium has paid off. i ran 6 miles. oh, no, scratch that and thank you google maps-- 7.5 miles. and another 1 of cool-off. should be back up to speed in no time. i am so very, very sad that i won't be running a marathon by march 22nd, but so very, very optimistic about running my marathon a few weeks later at a faster rate.

looks like i might have a cleaning gig (fingers crossed) and am looking to book a musical gig in the near future. stay tuned for more details.

wheeeee! i love me some sunshine.

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