Thursday, February 26, 2009

Progress & Anonymous. And Shout-Outs!

So my toe ain't broke. I can keep my record of "never broke a bone in my body" which either means I'm tough as nails or I don't really do anything interesting like snowboard.

But like the nurse said, the pinky toe is one thing but all the other bones/ tendons/ ligaments & muscles in the foot are pretty related. A pinky toe injury means that somehow the top of my whole foot gets bruised when I run on it. BUT it bruises less every time I work out now. Don't worry I've found a way to get some serious, low-impact cardio in as I re-build my foot's running capacity.

So running is picking up again now. It's crazy how quickly the body can fall apart and rebuild. It wasn't long ago I could run 14 miles and shortly thereafter I couldn't (well, did, but it turned out to be a Very Bad Idea) walk that distance. And this morning I felt like a rock star the gym. I felt GOOD when I was done. I feel capable!

But actually most importantly: shout-outs. Thank you to both of my Anonymous donors. If there were more people like you, I'd be less inclined to panic. You are amazing and you know who you are.

much love,

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